Bridging to a Sustainable Future: A Call to Action

Ernesto van Peborgh
6 min readJun 18, 2024


Recently, I’ve been struck by the number of articles predicting our imminent collapse. Respected writers on Medium are expressing despair, suggesting that we’ve crossed the point of no return. This pervasive narrative of doom can be disheartening, but I believe it’s premature and misses a critical point.

Yes, we are facing dark, anxious times. Climate change, social unrest, and economic instability are real and pressing. But this is precisely why we must not give up. We are on the brink of discovering what it truly means to be human in this interconnected age.

Despite the dire circumstances, I hold onto a different vision — a vision that refuses to surrender to despair. I am not giving up. Instead, I see a profound paradigm shift on the horizon, one that promises a more beautiful and sustainable world. We’ve awakened to the self-destructive path we’ve been on and are beginning to understand the deep causes of our metacrisis.

Through the lens of game theory, we’ve recognized the multipolar traps we’ve constructed. We have developed the technology and tools needed for change, but most importantly, we have cultivated the consciousness necessary for a collective awakening. This awakening, decentralized and emerging from love, compassion, and reconciliation, draws deeply from the wisdom of our indigenous ancestors.

Our journey is one of bridging from an old, faltering world to a new dimension of human existence. This journey is not easy and requires us to navigate profound challenges. But I believe in the resilience and capacity for transformation that lies within each of us. The values that we hold in our hearts — love, compassion, and a deep respect for the interconnectedness of all life — will guide us.

We are in the middle of constructing bridges. It’s a time of immense change and tremendous opportunity. We are close to crossing into a new dimension of our human journey, one where we live in harmony with the Earth and each other. We have the technology, the tools, and the consciousness to make it through. The future is bright, and we are closer than we think.

As we continue on this path, it is important to ground our optimism in tangible actions and collective efforts. Each of us holds a piece of the puzzle, and together, we can create a coherent picture of a regenerative future. Our journey is both individual and collective, requiring inner transformation and systemic change.

On an individual level, we can start by rethinking our consumption habits, supporting sustainable businesses, and reducing our ecological footprint. Simple acts like conserving water, reducing waste, and choosing renewable energy sources contribute significantly to the larger goal. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”

By embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes sustainability, we set an example and inspire others to do the same, turning small actions into lasting habits that shape our values and ultimately our destiny. Education of oneself plays a crucial role in this transformation. Change is exponential in this paradigm shift, and it’s difficult to keep up with these changes. Be proactive. Follow those who have understood the shift in our predicament. Here is a link if you are interested. We need to unlearn and re-learn. This is what education means in this day and time.

We must be mindful of the power of community. By fostering strong, interconnected communities, we create networks of support and collaboration that amplify our impact. These communities serve as incubators for innovative ideas, testing grounds for new practices, and sources of resilience in times of crisis. Embracing a relational approach, we must inform and educate ourselves, support collective legislation, and actively engage in building networks. Connecting to cooperatives and community initiatives strengthens our collective impact. Initiatives like community-supported agriculture, time banking, and cooperative enterprises build local resilience, making communities more self-sufficient and adaptable to changing circumstances.

We must advocate for policies promoting environmental justice and ecological restoration. This includes supporting legislation that protects natural habitats, invests in renewable energy, and holds polluters accountable. Engaging in community initiatives like urban gardens, cooperative housing, and local currencies is also vital for fostering local resilience. We need to influence and engage in the political realm, actively shaping decision-making processes. Our political leaders must rise to the occasion, but our active participation is essential. Bold and visionary leadership committed to long-term sustainability over short-term gains is crucial.

Advocating for systemic changes that prioritize sustainability and equity is essential. This means pushing for policies that protect natural resources, reduce emissions, and promote social justice. Policies that incentivize renewable energy and protect biodiversity are critical. We must hold our leaders accountable and ensure decision-making processes are inclusive and transparent, prioritizing the planet’s health. We must harness the potential of technology to support our goals. While technology alone is not a panacea, it can be a powerful tool when used thoughtfully and ethically. Innovations in renewable energy, precision agriculture, conservation monitoring, AI, and blockchain can enhance our ability to protect and restore ecosystems, improve efficiency, and connect with others around the world. These tools must be used responsibly for the common good, ensuring they contribute to sustainability and equity.

We are at a critical juncture, facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The vision of a regenerative future is within our reach — a future where economic systems support ecological health, communities are resilient and inclusive, and technological advancements serve the greater good. It is a future where we live in harmony with the Earth, recognizing that our well-being is intertwined with the health of the planet.

I conclude this article by reflecting on the voices predicting collapse and imminent climate catastrophes. In many ways, I resonate with this diagnosis; the remainder of this decade will indeed bring us face-to-face with several collapsing thresholds. Our current predicament — the meta-crisis — comprised of numerous poly-crises, will likely implode like fuses burning out, much like those electric detectors that prevent an entire system from burning down. We will witness this in the climate arena, in the form of wars, and social collapses.

However, what I do not agree with is the dismissal of the possibility for emergence. As I anticipated in my 2013 book, O Despertar Da Consciência Planetária, and my 2011 Ted Talk,, we are in the midst of a collective awakening. This is an awakening that embraces the wisdom of our ancestors, the lessons of the land, and the interconnectedness of all life. Robin Wall Kimmerer teaches us that the Earth loves us back, and in that reciprocity lies the power to heal.

We are on the verge of discovering what it truly means to be human. This awakening is about embracing a humanity rooted in love, compassion, affection, and kindness. It is about forging a deep connection to nature and the Earth, recognizing that our well-being is intertwined with the health of our planet. In this new paradigm, we are called to honor and nurture the intricate web of life that sustains us all. This is why I urge you not to give up. We are witnessing the emergence of not only a new consciousness but also a new culture that honors our deep bond with the Earth and with each other.

Do not give up; we are on the brink of something extraordinary. I invite you to share this article with both those who are giving up but also with those who are on the brink of awakening. Let us inspire each other to embrace hope and resilience. The path is challenging, but it is one of profound beauty and potential.

Before You Leave!

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Ernesto van Peborgh

Entrepreneur, writer, filmmaker, Harvard MBA. Builder of systemic interactive networks for knowledge management.