Living Capital Design: The Rise of Nature-Based Currencies

Ernesto van Peborgh
6 min readJun 2, 2023


Unleashing Nature’s Potential

In the boundless expanse of Yellowstone National Park, an extraordinary ecological symphony unfolded, one that shines a light on the immeasurable worth woven within nature’s intricate tapestry. The reintroduction of a mere 41 wolves as keystone species, has proven to be an ecological masterstroke, transforming the park’s ecosystem in ways that seemed unimaginable.

Before their return, Yellowstone stood as a testament to nature’s resilience, yet it grappled with a delicate imbalance. Overgrazing by elk had taken a toll on vegetation, eroding habitats, and diminishing biodiversity. The park’s riparian areas suffered as stream banks eroded and fragile plant species dwindled. Recognizing the critical importance of predator-prey equilibrium, a coalition of scientists and conservationists embarked on a bold mission: to reintroduce wolves and witness nature’s transformation unfold.

The wolves’ return triggered an ecological domino effect of monumental proportions. Elk populations normalized from an unsustainable 19,000 to a more balanced 4,800. Bison numbers swelled from around 3,000 to over 5,000 by 2021. Aspen and Willow trees once suppressed by overgrazing, grew from an average height of 30cm to over 200cm. This revitalized landscape welcomed the return of the beavers, growing from a single known colony to nine, creating vibrant wetlands, teeming with fish and birds.

But what if we could have predicted and quantified these changes from the start?

Enter Bayesian mechanics and the revolutionary concept of Nature-Based currencies.

To capture and quantify the value of these transformations, traditional economic metrics fall short. However, the emerging concept of Nature-Based currencies offers a new paradigm — one that integrates the principles of Bayesian mechanics.

A short explanation on Bayesian mechanics:
Bayesian mechanics is a concept that helps us understand how things work and make predictions based on the information we have. It involves creating models, which are simplified representations of real-world situations, and using them to make educated guesses or inferences about what might happen.

Imagine you are trying to predict whether it will rain tomorrow. Bayesian mechanics would encourage you to gather information about the current weather conditions, such as the cloud cover and wind direction. You would then create a model that takes into account these factors and their relationship to rain. Based on this model, you would make a prediction about whether it will rain tomorrow.

But here’s where Bayesian mechanics gets interesting. It doesn’t stop at just making one prediction. Instead, it continuously updates its predictions as it receives new information. For example, if you later find out that there is a high chance of thunderstorms in the area, you would adjust your prediction accordingly.

This continuous updating of predictions is what makes Bayesian mechanics powerful. It allows us to refine our understanding of a situation as we gather more data, ensuring that our predictions become more accurate over time.

In essence, Bayesian mechanics is like a smart and adaptable tool that helps us make sense of the world around us. It enables us to create models, make predictions, and update those predictions as we learn more. Whether it’s forecasting the weather or understanding complex systems like ecosystems, Bayesian mechanics provides a framework for making informed guesses and improving our understanding of how things work.

Picture a future where investors and individuals can contribute to the restoration and conservation of specific ecosystems by acquiring tokens representing square meters of nature. These tokens grant not only a financial stake but also instill a sense of stewardship and responsibility towards the natural world.

At the core of this innovative approach lies Bayesian mechanics — a scientific discipline focused on modeling and active inferencing. By leveraging Bayesian mechanics, we can create robust models that capture the intricate interdependencies and complexities of ecosystems. These models would consider factors such as predator-prey interactions, species composition, and environmental conditions to predict the potential outcomes of ecosystem restoration efforts.

Applying Bayesian mechanics to the Yellowstone example, we can envision how it could have facilitated the design of Nature-Based currencies to monitor and quantify the changes that occurred after the reintroduction of wolves. By creating dynamic models that incorporate various ecological variables, we can make predictions about the cascading effects on elk populations, vegetation growth, and the resurgence of diverse species.

With Nature-Based currencies, we can assign tokens or digital assets to specific ecological metrics, representing ownership or stakes in designated areas of nature. These tokens could be traded or invested in, providing financial incentives for the conservation and restoration of ecosystems. Powered by smart contracts, these currencies would ensure accountability and automate processes, meticulously tracking the creation of living capital and recording invaluable ecosystem services data.

However, embarking on this journey towards a nature-based economy requires caution and a deep commitment to transparency and fair benefit sharing. Robust measurement frameworks, transparent reporting guidelines, and stakeholder engagement — especially from indigenous communities and local residents — are imperative to ensure the integrity and accuracy of nature’s assetization. Only through genuine collaboration and inclusivity can we sustainably restore and conserve our natural world.

The tale of the Yellowstone wolves serves as a poignant reminder of nature’s resilience and wisdom. It beckons us to reimagine our relationship with the natural world and embrace a regenerative approach that nurtures its innate potential. Nature-Based currencies bridge the gap between economic pursuits and environmental stewardship, forging a path toward sustainable development where economic growth and planetary well-being converge.

As we educate ourselves and future generations about the intricate interconnections between our economic systems and the natural world, we cultivate a collective commitment to safeguarding our planet’s fragile ecosystems. By fostering a deep understanding of the value of nature and nurturing a sense of awe, reverence, and respect, we empower individuals to become stewards of the environment.

The promise of Bayesian mechanics and Nature-Based currencies lies in their ability to align economic incentives with ecological well-being. Through Bayesian modeling, we can anticipate and quantify the potential outcomes of ecosystem restoration efforts, providing a scientifically grounded approach to decision-making. This ensures that investments in nature are not only financially viable but also environmentally impactful.

Imagine a future where individuals and investors can actively participate in the restoration and conservation of ecosystems, acquiring tokens that represent their ownership and stake in the well-being of specific areas of nature. These tokens, powered by smart contracts, guarantee transparency, accountability, and the recording of vital ecosystem services data. With Nature-Based currencies, we can create a system where economic prosperity and environmental stewardship go hand in hand.

The lessons learned from the Yellowstone wolves and their transformative impact on the park’s ecosystem illuminate the potential of nature-based solutions. By integrating the principles of Bayesian mechanics into the design of Nature-Based currencies, we unlock a pathway to unleash the full potential of our natural world. These currencies become a beacon of hope, outlining a future where the protection of nature becomes both a moral duty and a pragmatic economic strategy.

The fusion of Bayesian mechanics and Nature-Based currencies represents a paradigm shift in our approach to economic growth and environmental stewardship. By leveraging the power of predictive modeling and active inferencing, we can design systems that align with the principles of nature, ensuring a sustainable future for both our economy and the well-being of our planet.

Let us embark on this transformative journey, where the harmony between economic aspirations and our obligation to nurture the planet’s health is not only attainable but essential for the generations to come.

for Further reading.

Probability concepts explained: Bayesian inference for parameter estimation. @Jonny Brooks-Bartlett


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Acknowledgment: GPT-4 is an invaluable tool, it has offered me immense advantages, such as serving as a discussion partner, acting as a dependable knowledge source (surpassing Google in many ways), and, most importantly, aiding as a Thesaurus in my writing in English.



Ernesto van Peborgh

Entrepreneur, writer, filmmaker, Harvard MBA. Builder of systemic interactive networks for knowledge management.