Ernesto van Peborgh
6 min readJun 15, 2024

Nature Finance: Revolutionizing Investment Theories


Nature, particularly biodiversity, is increasingly seen as a scarce and valuable resource. As ecosystems degrade, new financial structures are emerging to integrate natural capital into balance sheets. This involves several key steps:

  1. Assessment of Natural Capital: Utilizing new technologies such as Earth observation, metagenomics, and machine learning, every plot of land is assessed for its biodiversity, carbon, soil, and water quality. These measurements are recorded in a biophysical natural capital account.
  2. Nature Performance Agreements: Establishing contracts between providers and buyers of natural capital ensures that verified preservation or improvements trigger payments to land stewards. This creates a new role for ecosystem outcome providers.
  3. Creation of Nature Equity: Turning nature performance agreements into investible assets, or “nature equity,” allows these to be recognized on balance sheets. Payments to nature are treated as assets, impacting balance sheet ratios, credit conditions, and company valuations.

This approach aims to make natural capital investible and scalable, promoting ecological productivity and sustainability. By integrating natural capital into financial systems, we can create strong incentives for preserving and enhancing ecosystems, driving a significant shift towards sustainability in land management.

Nature Finance represents a groundbreaking approach in the financial world, transforming ecosystem services into a new asset class known as nature equity. Leveraging financial technology (FinTech), Nature Finance creates economic incentives to protect and enhance natural ecosystems, aligning environmental sustainability with financial profitability.

Definition of FinTech

FinTech, or financial technology, refers to the innovative use of technology in the design and delivery of financial services. This includes a wide range of applications such as digital payments, online banking, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies. FinTech aims to improve and automate financial services, making them more accessible, efficient, and secure.

The TrimTab Strategy

The TrimTab strategy, inspired by the small yet powerful trim tab on a ship’s rudder, symbolizes how minor, strategic changes can lead to significant systemic shifts. In Nature Finance, this strategy involves using innovative financial instruments to drive large-scale ecological and economic transformation with minimal initial effort.

The Planetary Boundary Threshold on Biodiversity

The concept of planetary boundaries identifies the limits within which humanity can safely operate to avoid destabilizing the Earth system. Biodiversity loss is one of these critical thresholds. Current rates of species extinction and habitat destruction have pushed biodiversity beyond safe limits, threatening ecosystem services and resilience. The decline in biodiversity undermines the natural systems that support life, making it imperative to adopt strategies like Nature Finance to restore and protect these vital resources.

Ecosystem Services and Their Importance

Ecosystem services are the life-supporting benefits provided by natural ecosystems, including:

  • Carbon Sequestration: Capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • Water Purification: Natural filtration processes ensuring clean water.
  • Biodiversity Support: Maintaining genetic diversity and ecosystem complexity.
  • Pollination: Essential for crop production and plant reproduction.
  • Soil Fertility: Enhancing soil health and agricultural productivity.
  • Climate Regulation: Stabilizing local and global climates.
  • Flood Control: Mitigating the impact of floods through natural barriers.

These services are crucial for resilience and regeneration, supporting the health of ecosystems and human societies.

Investment Thesis: Nature Finance

Nature Finance utilizes FinTech innovations to assetize and securitize ecosystem services, creating nature equity.

Nature Finance financially supports projects like reforestation, wetland restoration, and sustainable agriculture through nature-based solutions, developing markets for biodiversity credits that reward positive environmental outcomes, and introducing currencies or tokens linked to ecological assets and services. By leveraging blockchain technology for transparency and security, Nature Finance ensures that investments in ecosystem services are traceable and verifiable, making the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems financially viable and attractive to investors.

This approach involves several key components:

1. Nature-based Solutions (NbS): Financially supporting projects like reforestation, wetland restoration, and sustainable agriculture, leveraging natural processes to address environmental challenges.

2. Biodiversity Credits: Developing markets for biodiversity credits that reward positive environmental outcomes. These credits can be traded, creating economic incentives for preserving and enhancing biodiversity.

3. Nature-based Currencies: Introducing currencies or tokens linked to ecological assets and services, promoting sustainable economic activities and conservation efforts.

4. Blockchain and Digital Platforms: Utilizing blockchain technology for transparency and security in transactions related to ecosystem services, ensuring that investments are traceable and verifiable.

Foundational Advancements

The rapid evolution of cryptocurrencies and the carbon credit market sets the groundwork for Nature Finance to thrive. The carbon credit market is nearing $1 trillion, while the cryptocurrency market has reached $2.7 trillion. These markets demonstrate the potential for large-scale financial instruments that can drive significant environmental and economic impacts. The integration of these technologies into Nature Finance facilitates swift adoption and scalability, ensuring that the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems become financially viable and attractive options for investors.

Nature Finance vs. Regenerative Finance

While both Nature Finance and Regenerative Finance aim to promote sustainability, they focus on different aspects of the financial ecosystem:

- Regenerative Finance: As defined by John Fullerton, regenerative finance involves aligning financial practices with the principles of living systems to create economic systems that restore and sustain ecological health and social well-being. It emphasizes holistic wealth, community participation, and dynamic balance to support long-term ecological and social health.

- Nature Finance: Nature Finance specifically targets the financial mechanisms and investments that benefit natural ecosystems. It involves the assetization and securitization of ecosystem services, transforming them into tradable financial instruments like biodiversity credits and nature-based currencies. This approach creates direct economic incentives for protecting and enhancing natural environments, ensuring that investments align with environmental sustainability.

Case Study: UBS and Nature Finance

UBS has been a pioneer in integrating Nature Finance into its operations. In their white paper “Bloom or Bust,” UBS explores the role of transition finance in boosting biodiversity and meeting climate goals. They highlight the critical need for private capital to address biodiversity loss, estimating an annual investment requirement of $700 billion to meet the 2030 goals. UBS proposes innovative financial solutions, including public, private, and blended finance approaches, to mobilize the necessary capital. Their initiatives focus on providing economic incentives for positive environmental outcomes and mainstreaming better data and methodologies to support nature-based investments.

Land Banking and Biodiversity Assetification

The Land Banking Group is another example of institutions moving towards biodiversity assetification. They focus on creating financial products that monetize the conservation value of land, effectively turning preserved and restored natural areas into financial assets. This approach ensures that the financial benefits of conservation are recognized and rewarded, providing strong incentives for protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The Future of Nature Finance

As FinTech continues to evolve, Nature Finance will play a crucial role in addressing global environmental challenges. By leveraging innovative financial technologies and creating new asset classes, we can steer the superorganism of our global economy towards a sustainable and regenerative future. This paradigm shift not only preserves the natural world but also enhances the resilience and prosperity of human societies.

Additional Efforts Towards Nature Finance

Several other institutions are actively working on nature-based solutions and Nature Finance:

  1. UNEP: The UN Environment Programme’s “State of Finance for Nature” reports track global investments in nature-based solutions, advocating for increased public and private sector financing to close the investment gap. UNEP State of Finance for Nature Reports
  2. Asian Development Bank (ADB): ADB’s Nature Solutions Finance Hub aims to attract $2 billion in investments for nature-based solutions in Asia and the Pacific. Nature Solutions Finance Hub Asian Development Bank
  3. World Bank: Emphasizes innovative financial strategies and public-private partnerships to integrate nature-based solutions into economic planning. World Bank COP28 Climate Finance Report
  4. WWF: The World Wide Fund for Nature develops Bankable Nature Solutions, making conservation projects financially viable through collaborations with financial institutions.
  5. Oxford University and the Global Center on Adaptation: Their study focuses on scaling up private sector investments in nature-based solutions, providing a database of successful projects for future investments.
  6. World Economic Forum: Discusses biodiversity credits as financial instruments to incentivize the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

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Ernesto van Peborgh

Entrepreneur, writer, filmmaker, Harvard MBA. Builder of systemic interactive networks for knowledge management.