Understanding Regenerative Design

Ernesto van Peborgh
5 min readJun 1, 2024


A Systemic Approach

In our increasingly interconnected world, it’s imperative to reframe our understanding of design.

Regenerative design is not about creating objects, buildings, or landscapes. It’s about crafting processes.

From a systemic perspective, we are designing systems with potential and possibility for processes of emergence to be catalyzed.

Life is an emergent property.

A System (S), comprises various Elements (E), Interconnected (I), with a Purpose (P), and it is the connections and interrelationships of these nodes that are vital for emergence to take place.

Purpose (P) represents the Vision, the intentional objective that guides the interconnected elements within a system, ensuring they work together towards a common aim.

It is through this interconnectedness that integrity becomes a whole creation.

Regenerative Design Process

The process of design counts with several stages.

This is a proposal for a guideline for generative design aimed at halting and restoring biodiversity, one of the most threatened Planetary Boundaries.

By integrating innovative approaches such as Trustworthy Measuring Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV), biodiversity credits, and community-focused initiatives, this framework seeks to foster a sustainable and resilient future for our planet’s ecosystems.

Outline of The First Three phases:

Phase One (A): Understanding Biodiversity

Biodiversity remains a profound mystery. Our scientific reductionist approach has led us to view biodiversity in isolation, often treating it as an externality. Despite our advances, we have only scratched the surface of understanding the complex behaviors and interactions within ecosystems.

To effectively address and restore biodiversity, we must first deepen our knowledge of its behavior and dynamics, creating a comprehensive understanding that can guide our efforts.

To truly comprehend biodiversity, we need robust metrics. (1)

These metrics allow us to create models that process data through algorithms and artificial intelligence, leading to the development of digital twins. (2)

These digital twins replicate biodiversity, offering us deeper insights.

Central to this phase is the use of Bayesian models, which update the probability of a hypothesis as more evidence becomes available, enhancing the accuracy of our biodiversity assessments.

Thus, metrics are crucial.

A digital twin, in this context, is a model where, through accurate metrics (MMRV), we can create a digital replica.

It is called a twin because it replicates the feedback loops, behavior, and healthiness of an underlying living system. This replication allows for a deeper understanding and more precise management of biodiversity.

This phase also initiates a forking process — a branching out of a parallel process called Phase 1B, which eventually entangles with the main one.

This fork embodies the principle that the best cases of biodiversity management involve close human stewardship.

Indigenous people, with their profound understanding of interrelationship and interbeing, exemplify this.

Designing regenerative communities requires initial stewardship.

We need to reconcile with the place at both the community and biodiversity levels, honoring the community and the place.

Phase One (B): Social Cohesion and Credit Distribution

Social cohesion is vital in the regenerative design process.

Humans are meant to be engaged with life, supporting relationships to ensure they thrive.

The healthiest ecosystems have historically involved human presence. These ecosystems, characterized by increased diversity and a diversity of relationships, support healthy evolutionary processes.

In contrast, monocultures and overly simplified ecosystems lead to destabilized conditions.

The indicator of a healthy ecosystem is the diversity of relationships and species, with humans acting as the consciousness of this balance.

Indigenous peoples, when tending the wild, maintain this diversity, ensuring the well-being of humans, animals, and multiple species

Architecting the BioHub

The BioHub is an innovation hub embedded within the ecosystem. It is essential to develop a common understanding and shared goals with nearby communities, fostering collaborative relationships. Strengthening ties with university and institutional researchers is crucial to support monitoring stations and data collection. The BioHub integrates social impact measurements alongside ecological metrics, focusing on key indicators that reflect community well-being and engagement.

Addressing the nested effects of local communities, the story of place, and the potential of place becomes vital to ensure comprehensive and sustainable solutions.

Establishing a governance process will help evolve the effectiveness of these efforts.

Ultimately, the BioHub should be defined as a center for metrics monitoring, learning, regenerative design, community development, bioregional economics, resilience, and thriving communities, positioning itself at the forefront of innovation in ecosystem stewardship.

Phase Two: Assetization

In this phase, thanks to a successful understanding of metrics and the building of models that permit digital twins, these can then be assetized into verifiable, trustworthy, and certified credits. These credits serve as a new form of currency in our quest to restore and conserve biodiversity.

This phase also involves the adoption of platform distribution of biodiversity credits. Empowered by the advancement of cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges, and the growing market for carbon credits, these biodiversity credits can be effectively marketed and distributed, facilitating broader participation in restoration and conservation efforts.

Phase Three: Implementation and Restoration

These biodiversity credits can be employed in the restoration of degraded lands. With groundbreaking legislation (3) supporting these efforts, these credits can be used not only to conserve existing nature but also to restore biodiversity in degraded areas.

This new understanding and knowledge about how biodiversity systems work allows us to comprehend the health of ecosystems. We now have the metrics, monitoring techniques, and models to work on biodiversity restoration. Having models of health and understanding, feedback loops, and stewardship guidelines enables us to establish effective guidelines for restoration.

This framework represents just the beginning of a broader narrative on regenerative design. Stay tuned for further elaboration on how we can continue to advance this crucial work.

Note (1): Current systems, based on the scientific model, are catalyzed by metrics. By working within or bridging to mainstream systems, this language and knowledge is transmitted through metrics.

Note (2): I am using the term “digital twin” just as a way to imagine what a digital ecosystem of biodiversity will look like, represented with the tools and technology that blockchain, AI, and digital media provide today.

Note (3): Groundbreaking legislation is increasingly supporting biodiversity restoration. Notable examples include the UK’s Biodiversity Net Gains policy, which mandates net gains in biodiversity for new developments; the World Economic Forum’s Biodiversity Credits Initiative, which creates tradable financial instruments for positive biodiversity outcomes; and the European Commission’s Nature Restoration Law, which sets binding targets for restoring degraded ecosystems. These initiatives reflect a growing global commitment to integrating ecological health into economic and policy frameworks.

If you want to further understand. Regenerative Design , A Regenerative Design Framework, the Biohub. White paper Biohub .

Just remember this is a design Thinking Process

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Ernesto van Peborgh

Entrepreneur, writer, filmmaker, Harvard MBA. Builder of systemic interactive networks for knowledge management.